Intel Xe Gen12 GPU (Rocket Lake) Linux (Fedora 33) setup

Lukáš Caldr
1 min readApr 2, 2021

I’ve pre-ordered Intel Rocket Lake CPU to my latest desktop computer build and I was excited to build computer on newest Intel platform.

I started using Fedora 33 few months ago, so as a “Linux newbie” I was also hoping that there will be no difficult drivers setup. Nvidia/Intel GPU switching setup on my laptop was nightmare, so I hoped there will be no additional setup for integrated GPU in my Intel i7 11700K.

After OS installation, everything worked okay, but system animations looked like without v-sync or had limited FPS. In Settings > About > Graphicswas present LLVMpipe “default GPU driver”. I tried to search how to setup latest Intel UHD 750 GPU on Fedora, but Rocket Lake CPUs entered market few days ago, so there is limited amount of articles and tutorials about it.

Thanks to this article. I’ve found there is need to add i915.force_probe=4c9a kernel parameter to put Intel i915 GPU driver in place.

Permanently add driver kernel parameter on Fedora 33:

$ sudo vi /etc/default/grub
$ # add "i915.force_probe=4c8a" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX
$ # eg. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rhgb quiet i915.force_probe=4c8a"
$ grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg
$ reboot

Settings > About after reboot

